April Nulgit was born in 1994 and is the daughter of Charlene Carrington, and Wayne Nulgit, who is from the Ngarinyin tribe around Derby. She comes from a big family, the eldest sibling of five brothers and one sister, and went away for boarding school at St Mary’s College in Broome.
April comes from a family of artists and did her first ever painting at the age of ten. Her great-grandmother is Betty Carrington, a senior artist in Warmun, and her grandfather, Churchill Cann, who had now passed away. April often visits Texas Downs country with her family, and is told many Ngarrangkarni (dreamtime) stories associated with these places. These become the subjects of her paintings, she likes to go out fishing and camping on the weekends. April wants to be a vet someday.
To see more of April’s work or to contact her go to warmunart.com.au |